A meeting on the changes provided for by the new law was held with employees and lawyers on human resource management issues

2024-02-10 12:30:49
A meeting was held on the changes provided by the new law "On Personal Data Protection" with employees and lawyers on human resource management issues. Sofia Shamugia, Head of The Department of the Planned Inspections of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, and Archil Javelidze, Head of the Private Sector Oversight Department, discussed in detail the changes provided for by the new law of Georgia. Among them, certain aspects of personal data protection during of the employment relationship, updated bases and principles of data processing, audio and video monitoring, terms changed by the new law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection" and data security protection issues. The meeting focused on the institution of the Personal Data Protection Officer, the obligation to assess the impact of data protection, changes in fines and other news. The meeting, organized by Self.HR, was held in the TBC concept space and more than 250 representatives attended.

The basic provisions of the new law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection" will enter into force on March 1, 2024. Before the implementation of the law, the Service actively continues meetings with different target audiences.