The Personal Data Protection Service announces the submission period for scientific papers for the first edition of the Personal Data Protection Law Journal in 2024

2024-02-05 12:22:43

The announcement is made for the acceptance of scientific papers for the 2024 issue N1 of the “Journal of Personal Data Protection Law”, dedicated to the adoption and implementation of the new Georgian law “On Personal Data Protection”.

History of the Journal

"Journal of Personal Data Protection Law" is a bilingual, scientific periodical of the Personal Data Protection Service. The main orientation of the journal is to conduct a comparative legal discourse in the field of public law, personal data protection law and to establish a scientific platform. Since its inception, the journal has offered authors a unique opportunity to present scientific papers on topical and important issues of personal data protection.

The journal's mission is to promote the process of harmonization of Georgian personal data protection law with European law, internationally recognized standards, and to share the results of field research with the academic circle, practicing lawyers and interested parties.

The journal is published twice a year, in material and electronic form, in the form of two independent editions - Georgian and English (international standard serial number for the physical version: P-ISSN 2720-8753, and for the electronic version - E-ISSN 2720-8761).

The first edition of the "Personal Data Protection Law Journal" of 2023 was dedicated to the International Day of Data Protection, and the second edition to the 10th anniversary of the Georgian Personal Data Protection Supervisory Body.

The main topic of the first edition of 2024 is the legislative news provided by the new law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection".

  • Journal editorial

The Editorial Board is membered by the academic personnel of Georgian and foreign Universities, the qualified representatives of the legal practice and the scientific-research institutes operating in the field of the Journal.


The chief editor of the journal is:

Associate Professor Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili - President of Personal Data Protection Service; Associate Professor of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; Visiting Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

The Editorial Board of the Journal makes decisions on publishing in accordance with the principles of fairness, integrity and impartiality, as well as the editorial policy, academic and ethical standards of the Journal.

Deadline and academic requirements for submitting a scientific paper

Paper submission period: from January 30 to May 31

Professorship, academic staff members, visiting lecturers of Georgian and foreign Universites, scientific-research institutions, along with the Ph.D. students, Master and Doctoral degree holders; Also, legal practitioners of the field and authors other than those above who prepare a publication upon the request/invitation of the member of the Editorial Board.

Scientific article, academic review (review), analysis of legal practice, translation of foreign language scientific work. A scientific article submitted for publication in a journal can be authored by one person or co-authored by several people.

The following documentation is requested to be sent to the journal's official e-mail address:

Must be submitted:

  1. A completed application in the name of the editor-in-chief of the journal (Appendix No. 1);
  2. A scientific work in Georgian and English, which includes annotation and keywords (no more than 250 words in total), full text of the work (no more than 20 pages), bibliography;
  3. In the case of authors who do not have a doctor's academic degree, a positive review by a scientific supervisor or a legal specialist representing the field of research topic of the paper.

Academic Citation Standard:

The literature used in the work submitted for publication should be in accordance with the guidelines for academic integrity, citation and bibliography (Appendix No. 2). At the stage of preparing the paper, it is advisable to use relevant foreign language sources.

The Georgian text of the scientific paper should be written in Sylfaen_12 font, the English language text in Times New Roman_12 font, footnotes in the same font size 10, the distance between lines is one space.

Review process and paper publication:

The author can act within the scope of academic freedom by adhering to the editorial policies of the Journal, the standard of academic integrity and the principles of ethics. The paper submitted for publication shall not contain discriminatory text, hate speech, unethical assessments, abusive or derogatory opinions, as well as personal criticism. The content of the paper must be developed by respecting the right to privacy of third parties and protecting their personal data.

By submitting the paper for publication, the author confirms the academic integrity of the paper and the proper citation of authentic scientific sources. In case of using or appropriating the research/publication/academic work of third parties without relevant citations and references, as well as the discovery of false information after the publication of the paper, the author is responsible in accordance with the legislation of Georgia.

Reviewers will be selected for the purpose of mutual confidential evaluation of the papers submitted for publication in the journal, in compliance with the journal's editorial policy and ethical standards. The review of scientific articles is mutually confidential, therefore, the identity of the author is unknown to the reviewer of the paper, and vice versa - the identity of the reviewer is unknown to the author. Anonymity of the reviewers is ensured both at different stages of evaluation of the paper, as well as after its completion and publication in the journal. Reviewers will be selected based on industry expertise and experience/qualifications. The paper is evaluated within the period determined by the editors of the journal, by means of a special review form.

As a result of the evaluation of the paper, the reviewer may issue some technical instructions and one of the following recommendations:

  1. a) The paper may be published (positive review);
  2. b) Recommendation to publish a paper in the next issue if substantial or technical changes are required (positive review);
  3. c) The paper is not subjected to publication (negative review).

A review of a scientific paper is considered successful if both reviewers issue positive reviews. If, according to the peer-reviewed assessment, the paper requires substantial content and technical editing before publication, the author is obliged to take into account the recommendation, after which the Editor-in-Chief will decide on its publication on the basis of the assessment of its quality. If one of the reviewer's assessments is negative, the evaluation is sent to the author to take into account the relevant comments and further adjust the paper. The final decision on the publication of the paper is made by the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal. Publishing a scientific paper in a journal is free of charge.

For more information about the journal, visit the website -