The Personal Data Protection Service has recently published a new paper on the theory and practice of personal data protection for minors

2024-01-30 12:20:23

The Personal Data Protection Service has recently published a new paper on the theory and practice of personal data protection for minors.

Modern digital technologies have sharply changed the world Minors are now more actively engaged in the digital space, which becomes an integral part of their lives, which creates certain risks in terms of privacy of children and protection of personal data.

The legal framework in Georgia in the field of personal data protection does not directly provide for the procedures for the protection of children's personal data in the digital environment. Therefore, it is important to consider international standards to create appropriate guarantees.

The aim of the work is to study the best international standards regarding the rights of minors in the digital environment, and not only, and to adapt them to the national legislation.

It focuses on the principles and bases of data processing, the rights of the child's personal data protection, certain features related to the concept of "the best interest of the child".

The Personal Data Protection Service constantly strives to share the best international practices for the protection of children's rights and establish effective standards, which is especially relevant in the process of implementing the new law "On Personal Data Protection".

Please review the document in its entirety.