An event regarding the entry into force of the new Law “On Personal Data Protection” was held in the Parliament of Georgia
2024-03-01 19:26:45
The event was opened by the Chair of the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee. According to Mikheil Sarjveladze, the issues related to personal data in our country will now be regulated by European standards with the new Law enacted today.
“We can boldly state that today, in terms of personal data protection and through its legal framework, Georgia is a state that regulates issues related to personal data according to European standards. This is an important achievement for our country, and at the same time, it is not an insignificant and small contribution to the country's European integration. This accomplishment holds importance both formally and in substance, especially in the modern era where protecting of personal data is crucial,” - noted the Chair of the Committee.

The President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili, presented the main highlights of the Law and the activities carried out in the implementation process to the audience. Additionally, she provided information about the recommendations that the Service has developed.
“Today, as we have been granted the status of a candidate country of the European Union and are in the process of European integration, it is crucial for us to harmonize the legislation on personal data protection in line with the laws of the European Union.
The adoption of the new Law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection” holds significant importance for safeguarding personal data, reinforcing the important constitutional right to privacy, fulfilling international obligations and establishing internationally recognized principles and best practices.” - emphasized Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili.
It should be noted that Leonardo Cervera Navas - the Secretary-General of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) attended the event and addressed the audience.

The recently enacted Law on Personal Data Protection is excellent news for Georgia and the European Union, not only because it brings our frameworks closer, but also because it confirms your country's ability to address new challenges” - noted Leonardo Cervera Navas.

Natalia Voutova, the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Georgia, addressed the participants of the event with a welcome speech.
The presentation was attended by the members of the Parliament and Government of Georgia as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps, international and non-governmental organizations.