The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia is hosting the 22nd Conference of the Central and Eastern Europe Data Protection Authorities (CEEDPA)
2024-03-01 19:24:36
The Presidents of the Central and Eastern Europe Data Protection Authorities, along with other employees, as well as representatives of various institutions of the European Union, including EUROPOL and EUROJUST, are participating in the Conference.
The purpose of the annual meeting is to introduce international data protection standards and to exchange best practices.
On February 29, the first working day of the conference was opened by Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili, the President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia. She emphasized the importance of protecting common European values and highlighted the significance of the new Law, which fully complies with the general regulations of the European Union.

“As you know, last year the Parliament of Georgia adopted a new Law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection”, which fully complies with the EU’s “General Data Protection Regulation” and reflects all the principles and values provided for in the legal framework of the Council of Europe. The new Law comes into effect from tomorrow and it is no coincidence that we want to celebrate this occasion with you.
The annual meeting of the Central and Eastern Europe Data Protection Authorities (CEEDPA) serves as another successful platform for sharing best practices and experiences. Therefore, we greatly appreciate the opportunity to host this important Conference and discuss all the relevant issues.” – noted Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili.
Within the context of the opening remarks participants of the Conference were addressed by the Chair of the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee of the Parliament of Georgia – Mikheil Sarjveladze, the Deputy Chair of the European Data Protection Board – Irene Loizidou Nicolaidou, the Secretary-General of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) – Leonardo Cervera Navas, the Secretary of Convention 108 Committee – Peter Kimpian and the President of the Personal Data Protection Office of Poland – Mirosław Wróblewski.

- Compliance and Regulatory Challenges: Navigating the Complexities of the GDPR and Other Regional Laws;
- Best Practices of the CEEDPAs and other European DPAs;
- Efficiency of the data protection authority;
- Role of Data Protection Officers (DPOs);
- Data breach notification and related topics;
- Privacy by Design and by Default, Emerging technologies and their impact on the data subjects.
- Data Protection in Law Enforcement Agencies.
The following issues are planned to be discussed on the final day of the Conference:
- Cross-Border Data Transfers ― Addressing Challenges in International Data Transfers;
- Future Trends of the Personal Data Protection: Exploring Upcoming Steps Towards Protecting Privacy and Personal Data.
It should be noted that the first meeting of CEEDPA was held in Warsaw on December 17, 2001. Since then, member Supervisory Authorities have been meeting annually to strengthen cooperation and raise awareness of common, shared principles of personal data protection.