Statement of the Service

2023-11-29 15:00:35

The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia responds to the presence of a video recording containing the personal data of a minor, including the minor's image, place of residence, health, and emotional state of the voice, distributed on social networks and media. The content of the video recording indicates that the individuals involved had a clear personal purpose when creating and distributing the recording, and there is no connection of the minor's data processing to his/her business and/or professional activity. Studying the processing of data for clearly personal purposes does not fall within the competence of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia and exceeds the scope of authority defined by the law.

The right to the inviolability of the personal life of minors requires special protection, as it may cause irreparable damage to the child's psyche, development, social relations, and future life. Therefore, in the process of processing children's data, all those who collect, use, store, and disclose children's data bear a special responsibility. Those processing children's data must prioritize the best interests of the child.

Considering the content of the video recording, its existence on social networks or media may lead to the violation of the minor's dignity, stigmatization, bullying, discrimination, or a negative impact on his emotional state and development. In the era of technological progress, the risks of unwarranted interference with the right to privacy of a minor are increasing. In light of the above, it is recommended that all individuals disseminating the video recording delete the content containing the data of the minor.