Another meeting regarding the changes outlined in the new Law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection" was held in the Kakheti region

2023-11-28 14:58:27
Another meeting about the changes provided by the new law 'On Personal Data Protection' was held in the Kakheti region.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the administration of the State Trustee, Akhmet, Gurjaani, Dedoplistskaro, Telavi, Lagodekhi, Sagarejo, Sighnaghi, Kvareli City Hall, and City Council.

Detailed information on the terms changed by the new Law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection”, updated data processing grounds, principles and the rights of the data subject, data protection impact assessment, changes in personal data protection officers and fines, the obligation to report the incident to the Service, as well as on social work, the activities of preschool institutions, and the detection of administrative offenses. The audience was provided with this information by the Heads of The Public Sector Oversight Department, The Department of the Planned Inspections and The Law Enforcement Sector Oversight Department.

The meeting was held in an interactive mode, and the attending public had the opportunity to obtain detailed information on issues of interest to them.

The main part of the new Law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection” will enter into force on March 1, 2024. The purpose of the Service is to ensure that all data processors are prepared for the implementation of the law.