The Personal Data Protection Service conducted training for media representatives

2023-11-21 11:04:47
The new law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection," important updates, and implementation issues, including the balance between personal data protection and freedom of expression, were covered in a training session conducted by the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia for media representatives.

The meeting was opened by the First Deputy President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, Dr. Otar Chakhunashvili, who spoke about the special role of the media in the process of raising public awareness on personal data protection issues.

Why does the law not apply to media activities? How should journalists protect data security? The service's activity, role, and updates provided by the new law, including increased fines and changes in direct marketing rules, personal data protection officers, specific examples, and practices related to the activities of the media - at today's meeting, the Service representatives introduced the updates provided by the new law to the media.

Representatives from TV-radio, online, and print media attended the training.

The primary provisions of the new law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection" will come into effect on March 1, 2024. Prior to the implementation of the law, the Service is actively conducting targeted meetings with different audiences.