The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia informed approximately 300 civil servants about the updates introduced by the new law

2023-11-10 17:22:14
In order to get acquainted with the changes stipulated by the New Law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection", the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia started a series of meetings called "Talks on the new law".

The first large-scale meeting with representatives of the public sector took place. Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili, the President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, opened the event with a welcome speech and then proceeded to review the key aspects and current issues of the new law of Georgia, “On Personal Data Protection”.

“The implementation of the new law will result in an elevation of the standard of data subject rights protection, an enhancement of legislation in the field of personal data protection, and the establishment of sustainable and effective mechanisms for safeguarding personal data with a focus on protecting human rights”- stated Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili.

The First Deputy President of the Service, Dr. Otar Chakhunashvili, delivered a welcome speech to the audience.

Davit Karashvili, the Head of the Legal Department of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, provided the audience with a detailed explanation of the updates introduced by the Georgian Law “On Personal Data Protection”.  

Davit Karashvili emphasized the essential steps required for implementing the new law within the public sector. It's worth noting that, as part of efforts to promote the law's implementation, the service has already developed sector-specific guidance recommendations, which have been distributed to all public institutions.

The discussion during the meeting covered important topics, including the criteria for identifying incidents that pose a significant threat to fundamental human rights and freedoms, as well as the procedure for breach notification to the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia.

The meeting was conducted interactively, with Keti Kratsashvili, the Head of the Public Sector Oversight Department, and Sofia Shamugia, the Head of the Department of the Planned Inspections, addressing questions from the representatives of public institutes.

About 300 representatives of the public sector attended the meeting.

The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia will actively continue to organize sector-specific and various format meetings to raise awareness about the law.