The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia hosted students from the non-formal education center at the Batumi office

2023-10-26 12:02:29
The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia hosted students from the non-formal education center at the Batumi office.

Before the informational and interactive training, the President of the Service, Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili, welcomed the teenagers.

"What is personal data, why is it important to protect it, and what are the risks of not safeguarding personal information?" Mariam Maisuradze, a lawyer from the Public Sector Oversight Department, educated the students on these and other matters. Special emphasis was placed on the significance of protecting minors' personal data on social networks.  

President of the Service Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili and Head of the Private Sector Oversight Department Archil Javelidze gave commemorative branded gifts to the teenagers visiting the Batumi office.

The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia will actively continue training in educational institutions and organizing various activities for minors in the future.