The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia has placed informative/illustrated posters in all public schools in Georgia

2023-11-08 11:59:35
The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia has placed informative/illustrated posters in all public schools in Georgia. The posters address questions such as: What is personal data? How should children protect their personal information at school, when communicating with unknown or familiar people, or when using the Internet? And, how should they protect their rights in case of a violation? The posters are also available in Armenian and Azerbaijani languages for schools with representatives of ethnic minorities.

Using the example of superheroes on the posters, situations are described where children have to share personal information every day.  

Providing information to children from an early age in the correct form, in simple and understandable language, about the importance of protecting their personal data, rights, and potential threats is of particular importance.

The improper use of minors' personal information may lead to bullying, teasing, and oppression, hindering the child's personal development.

This project was implemented with the support of the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia expresses gratitude to the Ministry of Education and Science for supporting the initiative.

To raise public awareness of the importance of protecting the personal data of minors, the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia periodically carries out various types of activities.