The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia held a working meeting with the Ministry of Justice and public authorities under its jurisdiction.

2023-11-03 14:58:50
To familiarize individuals with the changes stipulated by the New Law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection”, the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia held a working meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Justice and the legal entities of the public sector subordinated to it, as well as the sub-departmental institutions.

The meeting was opened with a welcome speech by the President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili, and the First Deputy President, Dr. Otar Chakhunashvili.

Ketevan Kratsashvili, Head of the Public Sector Oversight Department, Sofia Shamugia, Head of The Department of the Planned Inspections, Shavleg Todua, Acting Head of the Legal Department, and Johnny Choniadze, Deputy Head of the Law Enforcement Oversight Department, presented the updates outlined in the New Law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection" to the audience. 

The speakers covered important issues such as the updated basis of data processing, principles, data subject rights, profiling, data portability, audio and video monitoring, data protection impact assessment, personal data protection officer, changes in fines and non-compliance with legal requirements of the service, incidents, and the obligation to report them to the service.

The speakers reviewed important issues such as the updated basis of data processing, principles, data subject rights, profiling, data portability, audio and video monitoring, data protection impact assessment, personal data protection officer, changes in fines and non-compliance with legal requirements of the service, breach notification and obligation to report it to The Service and ect.

The meeting was attended by the Central Office of the Ministry of Justice, the sub-departmental institution - the Special Penitentiary Service, and the following Legal Entities Under Public Law (LEPL): "Public Service Development Agency," "National Agency of Public Registry," "National Bureau of Enforcement" "National Archives of Georgia," "Center for Vocational Training and Retraining of Convicts." Representatives from the "Notary Chamber of Georgia," "Digital Governance Agency," "Legislative Herald of Georgia," “Training Center of Justice of Georgia”, "National Agency for Crime Prevention, Execution of Non-custodial Sentences and Probation," and "Public Service Hall" were also present.

The Parliament of Georgia adopted the New Law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection" in June of this year, and its main provisions will enter into force on March 1, 2024.