Employees of the Personal Data Protection Service participated in a seminar aimed at enhancing the quality of public services in Eastern Partnership countries.

2023-10-04 18:01:47
Employees of the Personal Data Protection Service participated in a seminar aimed at enhancing the quality of public services in Eastern Partnership countries.

Over 40 representatives from relevant agencies in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine, and Armenia participated in the event, where they shared their experiences related to the quality of public services.

As part of the seminar, Nikoloz Popiashvili, the Head of the Office of the President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, provided foreign colleagues with an overview of the Service's activities and the matters connected to the implementation of the new law on personal data protection.

The seminar was held with the support of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the Eastern Partnership Regional Fund. The event was led by experts from the European Union and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the Joint Project for Promotion of Public Administration and Management Improvement (SIGMA) and the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA). The issues to be discussed were related to the current European model of organizational self-assessment (CAF) in state agencies and the implementation processes of customer satisfaction research methodology.

The issues to be discussed were related to the current European model of organizational self-assessment (CAF) in state agencies and the implementation processes of customer satisfaction research methodology.