President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, Dr. Dr. Prof Lela Janashvili, attended the plenary session of the "European Data Protection Board" ("EDPB") and met with the Secretary- General of the "European Data Protection Supervisor".

2023-10-03 17:59:36
Another plenary session of the "European Data Protection Board" ("EDPB") was held in Brussels, during which the President of the Service, Dr. Dr. Prof Lela Janashvili, introduced the Personal Data Protection Service as a data protection supervisory body holding the status of an observer of the Council's activities. The 84th plenary session of the Council was dedicated, among other matters, to the execution of the "General Data Protection Regulation" of the European Union, deliberations on the future strategy of the "EDPB," and the formulation of guiding recommendations on various subjects.

During the visit, Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili held a face-to-face meeting with the Secretary-General of the "European Data Protection Supervisor" ("EDPS"), Mr. Leonardo Cervera Nava. In the course of this meeting, Prof. Dr. Dr.  Lela Janashvili introduced the action plan developed by the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia to support the implementation of the new Law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection," along with various initiatives planned by the Service to bolster the culture of personal data protection in Georgia. In response, the Secretary-General, Leonardo Cervera Navas, provided insights into the ongoing activities of the "European Data Protection Supervisor" and reiterated his commitment to maintaining collaboration with the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia.

Furthermore, a working meeting with the title "Data Protection in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership Region" was held in Brussels. This workshop was initiated and supported by the public organization "Regional School of Governance" (ReSPA), the "Governance and Management Improvement Support" program of the European Union, ETGO (SIGMA/OECD), the "Regional Cooperation Council" (RCC), and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). It was also carried out as part of the "REGIONAL PROJECTS ON RE-ENGINEERING OF PUBLIC SERVICES AND E-GOVERNANCE AND DIGITALISATION IN THE EAP." During these meetings, the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia was represented by Nikoloz Popiashvili, the Head of the Office of the President and Ana Tokhadze, the Head of the Department of International Relations, Analytics, and Strategic Development of the Service.

The supervisory authorities responsible for personal data protection in the participating countries convened to discuss their legal regulations, current practices, and the challenges they encounter. During the event, meetings were conducted with the Chairman of the "European Data Protection Board" ("EDPB"), the EU Data Protection Supervisor, the Secretary-General of the "EU Data Protection Supervisor," the head of the Belgian Personal Data Protection Supervisory Authority, as well as representatives from the Italian and Spanish Personal Data Protection Supervisory Authorities and various EU institutions. Additionally, participants in the event were featured in the plenary session of the "European Data Protection Board" ("EDPB"). During this session, representatives from the Personal Data Protection Service addressed the legislative framework for personal data protection in Georgia, the Service's mandate and activities, and the challenges faced in the realm of personal data protection.