Meeting of Prof. Dr. Norbert Bernsdorff with employees of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia

2023-10-17 11:19:16
In order to implement the new law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection", to share internationally recognized best practices in the field of personal data protection, the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia hosted a former judge of the German Federal Court of Social Affairs, the editorial board of the service's bilingual, periodical, scientific publication - the "Journal of Personal Data Protection Law" the member and professor of Marburg Philippi University – Prof. Dr. Norbert Bernsdorff. Employees of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia and representatives of the academic circle of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University attended the event.  

At the beginning of the meeting, Prof. Dr. Dr.  Lela Janashvili, the President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, expressed her gratitude to Professor Prof. Dr. Norbert Bernsdorff for his collaboration with the service. "Since its establishment, the top priority of the Personal Data Protection Service has been its institutional development and the enhancement of the Personal Data Protection Law. The most important aspect is aligning the national legal framework with internationally recognized standards. Following the adoption of the new law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection”, it is of utmost importance for us to collaborate with experts and practitioners in the field of personal data protection law," noted Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili.

In his report, Professor Norbert Bernsdorf expressed a positive view regarding the adoption of the new law, "On Personal Data Protection," emphasizing its alignment with the EU's "General Data Protection Regulation" and internationally recognized standards in the field of data protection law. The Professor also conveyed his readiness to collaborate with the Service in providing scientific and expert support for the implementation process of the new law and to participate in the Service's scientific-discussion platforms concerning legislative innovations. Prof. Dr. Bernsdorff further touched on the institutions established by the new law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection" and reviewed their regulation within the context of European law in a comparative legal framework. He also addressed the practices of personal data protection supervisory authorities and tackled topical issues in personal data protection, including data transfer to third countries, data classification, data subject’s rights, data processing via artificial intelligence, the role of the data protection officer, etc.

The new law of Georgia “On Personal Data Protection” shares internationally recognized data protection standards and is largely in line with the EU “General Data Protection Regulation”. Its adoption is an extremely forward step for Georgia, as a country in the process of European legal culture and European integration. “I congratulate the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia and wish it success in the process of implementation of the new law.” - stated Norbert Bernsdorf.

The discussion focused on the topics addressed during the meeting.