Employees of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia Engaged in Meeting with the Representatives of Various Universities

2023-05-04 16:13:02
Representatives from the Personal Data Protection Service conducted Meeting with Administrative Staff from Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University and its Partner Universities in Turkey, Romania, and France through the Erasmus+ Program Supported by the European Commission.

The meeting was attended by Nikoloz Popiashvili, Head of the Office at the Personal Data Protection Service; Ana Tokhadze, Head of the Department of International Relations, Analytics, and Strategic Development; and Nino Khubulia, an expert in international relations. During the informational session, Ana Tokhadze provided an overview of the service's mandate, its primary operational focus areas, the national legislation governing personal data protection, initiatives undertaken to enhance public awareness within specific sectors, and the service's institutional strengthening concept to the visiting representatives from foreign universities.

Administrative staff members from Iași University (Romania), Kadir Has University (Turkey), Bursa Technical University (Turkey), and Paris-Saclay University (France) were in attendance representing the universities. The second part of the informational meeting fostered discussion, taking the form of a question-and-answer session between the service's representatives and the university delegates.