The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia Held a Meeting with Microfinance Organization Representatives

2023-06-26 16:09:59
A working meeting recently took place between the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia and representatives from microfinance organizations. The focus of the meeting centered on the topic: "The Importance of Personal Data Protection and Current Challenges."

During the discussion, attendees delved into the challenges faced by the private sector concerning personal data processing, identified prevalent issues, and explored recommendations put forth by the service. Furthermore, participants examined the implications of the new legislative act On Personal Data Protection and its key aspects, crucial for ensuring data processing compliance with legal requirements. 

This interactive meeting drew approximately 20 representatives from the microfinance sector. It was expertly chaired by Archil Javelidze, Head of the Private Sector Oversight Department at the Personal Data Protection Service, and Nino Katamadze, Senior Lawyer of the Private Sector Oversight Department.

Given that microfinance organizations handle substantial amounts of personal data as part of their operations, increasing awareness of data protection matters is paramount. This endeavor promises to elevate the standard of personal data protection, facilitating the development and implementation of a unified data protection policy within the sector.