The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia Submitted the Annual Report 2022 to the Parliament of Georgia

2023-09-05 15:21:16

The President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili presented the Annual Report 2022 at the joint meeting of the Supreme Legislative Body, Human Rights and Civil Integration, Defense and security and Legal Issues Committees.

"Last year, when I introduced my action plan to the public as a candidate for the President of the Personal Data Protection Service, I stated that my primary goal was to strengthen the service's European orientation and secure a prominent position among European data protection supervisory authorities. Today, from the same platform, I am delighted to announce a significant achievement that we learned of just a few days ago: The Personal Data Protection Service has been granted the status of an observer by the "European Data Protection Board." This represents an exceedingly momentous milestone in the history of Georgian personal data protection law and the existence of its supervisory body."

This decision is directly aligned with our service's mission, which encompasses the establishment of a culture of respect for private life in society, raising public awareness regarding personal data protection, aligning European standards for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms with national legislation through international legal instruments, and introducing best practices across various facets of data protection. Throughout the reporting period, the service executed a multitude of initiatives in pursuit of these goals.

The service continues its institutional development, driving national legislation closer to European standards. A clear testament to this effort is the recent adoption of the new law on personal data protection, which significantly aligns the national legislative framework with European data protection standards," stated Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili.

The President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia provided a comprehensive overview of the projects carried out in 2022, along with detailed statistical data, to the audience in attendance at the joint committee meeting.

During the reporting period, the service received a total of 447 applications and notifications. Furthermore, 149 inspections were carried out to assess the lawfulness of personal data processing, with 101 of these inspections being unplanned and 48 planned. Over the reporting period, the service identified 157 cases of unlawful personal data processing, resulting in the issuance of 222 orders and recommendations. In terms of providing guidance on personal data protection and addressing other legal concerns, the service offered a total of 3,292 consultations. During the same period, the service conducted 11 planned inspections of law enforcement bodies, encompassing a wide range of their activities. These inspections covered various sensitive subjects, including ensuring data subject notification during covert investigative actions and assessing compliance with rules, principles, foundations, and security measures for personal data in ongoing cases involving sexual crimes against women or minors, among other matters.

The report outlines the initiatives undertaken to enhance public awareness and education. In the previous period, the service conducted numerous meetings with representatives from both the public and private sectors, as well as with individual citizens.

Throughout the reporting period, the service actively engaged in several international forums dedicated to personal data protection and privacy. The service secured the status of an observer at the International Global Forum of Information Commissioners, a prominent conference. Additionally, it joined the Committee of Artificial Intelligence Experts of the Council of Europe, actively participating in the committee's plenary sessions.

The service has established collaborative relationships with foreign supervisory bodies, emphasizing its commitment to international cooperation. As a testament to its dedication to fostering international cooperation and providing a platform for scholarly discussions, the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia hosted the 2022 “European Case Handling Workshop”.

In order to advance Georgian personal data protection legislation, the bilingual, open-access, scientific periodical publication, the “Journal of Personal Data Protection Law” has been established. Additionally, I am pleased to announce the establishment of the representative office in the city of Batumi. This regional representation marks a significant milestone in the history of Georgia's Data Protection Supervisory Body.

And finally, I would like to return to the most significant news, which pertains to the service being granted observer status by the European Data Protection Board. I want to emphasize that we are fully aware of the responsibility that comes with this status. Rest assured, the service remains committed to protecting European values and principles,” stated Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili.

The 2022 activity report of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia comprises four sections, encompassing the service's activities, internal organizational and financial reports, the strategic development concept, and future plans for strengthening the service. Additionally, it provides statistical data on the service's activities conducted during the reporting period from March 1 to December 31, 2022.

It's noteworthy that, according to last year's statistical data, there has been an increase in citizens' perception of the service, coupled with a rise in the number of conducted inspections.

The service's mission, which includes establishing a culture of personal data protection in society and raising public awareness, remained a pivotal focus. To achieve this, the service actively conducted information sessions, public lectures, and training sessions for representatives from both the private and public sectors, including law enforcement agencies. Informational meetings were also held in various regions of Georgia.

Significant emphasis was placed on bolstering international institutional awareness. Strengthening cooperation with foreign data protection supervisory authorities and international organizations in the realm of personal data protection is one of the service's primary objectives, and last year witnessed numerous activities and accomplishments in this regard.