The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia has joined the Working Group on the Role of Personal Data Protection of the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA)

2023-07-04 09:38:37

 The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia has joined the Working Group on the Role of Personal Data Protection in International Development Aid, International Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management of the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA).

In its first year of existence, the Working Group has focused its energy on developing a work plan in line with GPA's strategic priorities - specifically, those relating to the advancement of privacy protection worldwide, the strengthening of relations with other international bodies and networks that advance data protection and privacy issues, including through agreements with observer bodies, as well as human rights and social protection and democratic rights. The Working Group is chaired by the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner of Switzerland, co-chaired by the Supervisory Commission for Personal Information of Monaco and membered by sixteen data protection supervisory authorities and international organizations.

The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia is committed to expanding its engagement in the GPA Working Groups and reinforcing its efforts with the counterpart data protection authorities to contribute to achieving the GPA objectives and strategic goals.

Further information regarding the Working Group and its activities can be found in the Working Group Report 2022.