The President of the Personal Data Protection of Georgia, Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili, participated in the following meeting of the "International Working Group on Data Protection in Technology (IWGDPT)"

2023-06-09 11:59:53
The 71st meeting of the "International Working Group on Data Protection in Technology," also known as the "Berlin Working Group", was hosted by the Italian Data Protection Supervisory Authority ("Garante Per La Protezione Dei Dati Personali") in Rome on June 6-7. During the meeting, Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili represented the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia and shared information about important current news, legislative changes, and international activities related to Georgian personal data protection law. Additionally, it was mentioned that the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia would host the 22nd conference of the Central and Eastern European Data Protection Authority (CEEDPA) the following year. Ms. Ana Tokhadze, the Head of the International Relations, Analytics, and Strategic Development Department of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, introduced the first issue of the bilingual, scientific periodical publication "Journal of Personal Data Protection Law", which aims at promoting international scientific discussions in the field of personal data protection law.   

Prof. Dr. Pasquale Stanzione, the President of the Italian Data Protection Supervisory Authority, and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kelber, the German Federal Commissioner for Personal Data Protection and Freedom of Information, opened the 71st meeting of the Berlin Working Group. Within the framework of the meeting, the members engaged in discussions regarding working papers concerning telemetry and diagnostic data, data sharing, and the Central Bank digital currency. The participants also deliberated on the future mission and vision of the working group, as well as identified issues to be addressed in upcoming meetings.