Representatives of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia, along with the Representatives of Foreign Counterpart Data Protection Supervisory Authorities, participated in Online Workshops

2023-05-30 11:18:23
On May 22 and 25, 2023, representatives of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia participated in online workshops held by the Croatian data protection supervisory authority (AZOP) on the topics: "Conducting Investigations Using the Standard Data Protection Model" and "Data Protection "Data Protection Impact Assessment".


At the meeting, along with the representatives of the data protection supervisory authorities of Croatia, Germany and North Macedonia, the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia was represented by: Deputy Head of the Law Enforcement Sector Oversight Department — Joni Choniadze; Senior lawyer of the Public Sector Oversight Department— Tengiz Mamulia; Lawyer of the Legal Department — Saba Elizbarashvili; International Relations and Legal Matters Specialist of Department of International Relations, Analytics and Strategic Development — Sandro Babilodze and an Expert in International Relations — Nino Khubulia.


The online workshops were chaired by the representative of the data protection supervisory authority of Berlin — Christian Ricardo Kühne, who gave a speech and presented the issues as envisaged by an agenda to the audience. On May 22, the workshop was devoted to the concept and purpose of studying the lawfulness of data processing, planning its course, obtaining evidence and its technical-legal assessment. On May 25, within the framework of the workshop, the issues of identifying the risks arising from the processing of personal data and their timely minimization, as well as the data protection impact assessment by using the "Standard Model of Data Protection" ( was discussed. The mentioned model is a methodological framework for the uniform study of data protection.


The second part of the workshops was dedicated to sharing experiences between the supervisory authorities of the participating countries, which took place in the form of discussion and question-and-answer.