Congratulations on Europe Day!

2023-05-08 10:07:59
Congratulations on Europe Day!

73 years ago, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Robert Schuman, voiced the idea of integration into united Europe. The declaration of the mentioned idea changed the future of Europe.

Europe Day has a special significance for Georgia and our region generally.

Our major goal, as the Service with an independent institutional organization, is to strengthen the culture of personal data protection in the country, bring it closer to European legislation, and implement international legal instruments and the best practices, including European ones.

For this purpose, the Service actively cooperates with the foreign counterpart data protection supervisory authorities, international organizations and strives to deepen the relationship with them.

The Service systematically studies international trends and existing challenges in the field of data protection in order to ensure the implementation of the best European practices in its daily activities.

In addition, the Service actively cooperates with the representatives of the academia and research-scientific institutes and has held a number of international conferences with their active participation.