The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia Continues Series of Training Sessions to Raise Awareness

2022-12-14 16:39:19
The Personal Data Protection Service actively continues conducting training sessions in the direction of personal data protection to raise awareness.

This time, training sessions were held for teachers and administration representatives of Tbilisi State Conservatoire and Tbilisi Public School #215.

Tengiz Mamulia, a Lawyer of the Public Sector Oversight Department conducted the training at the Tbilisi State Conservatoire,  and Avtandil Lepsveridze, a Senior Lawyer of the same department, held the training at Tbilisi Public School #215.

The meetings related to the general topics of personal data processing, such as legal bases of data processing, principles of data processing, data security and the rights of data subjects. The participants received information regarding the topics of their interest in the discussion mode.

The Personal Data Protection Service actively continues to hold informative public lectures and training sessions.