The Representatives of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia Participated in the 8th Internet Governance Forum

2022-11-24 16:32:40
Researchers-analysts of the International Relations, Analytics and Strategic Development Department of the Personal Data Protection Service participated in the 8th Internet Governance Forum of Georgia. Nino Tsagareishvili and Gvantsa Gabaidze presented the topic related to children's personal data protection in the digital environment within the framework of the panel: "Personal Data Protection in Georgia - Challenges and Future Perspectives".

During the forum, speakers discussed the importance of protecting children's personal data and international legal instruments regulating the issue. Also, the audience was introduced to the best practices of the counterpart Data Protection Supervisory Authorities and internationally recognized standards creating appropriate guarantees for the protection of children's personal data in the digital environment.

The speakers mentioned that according to Order No. 01/23 "On the Approval of the 2022 Plan for the Planned Examinations (Inspections) of the Legality of Personal Data Processing" dated April 7, 2022, minors are also named as a target group, and electronic communications and modern technologies are indicated as one of the priority areas. Accordingly, the Service continues to implement various measures and activities to raise public awareness in this direction.  

In addition, the speakers talked about the recommendation document elaborated by the Personal Data Protection Service - "Guide to the Protection of Children's Personal Data in the Digital Environment",  defining the features related to the concept of "the best interest of the child", the principles of the data processing, the bases and legal means of protecting the child's personal data.

The Head of the Legal Department, Davit Karashvili, discussed the plans and perspectives of the Personal Data Protection Service during the panel discussion.