Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili hosted the delegation of the Scientific-Research Institute of Private Law of Kazakhstan

2022-11-02 13:11:45

A delegation of the Scientific-Research Institute of Private Law of Kazakhstan visited the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili introduced the mandate, activities, functions, and legal organization of the Personal Data Protection Service to the Director of the Institute, Academician Maidan Suleimenov, and other researchers.   


The meeting was also attended by the First Deputy Head of the Personal Data Protection Service, Dr. Otar Chakhunashvili, the Head of the International Relations, Analytics, and Strategic Development Department, Ana Tokhadze, the Deputy Head of the Public Sector Oversight Department, Sophio Shamugia, also, the Dean of the Faculty of Law of Tbilisi State University - Tamar Zarandia, the Deputy Dean - Irma Kharshiladze and the Expert at the International Relations Service of the same faculty - Lia Shatberashvili. On the part of Kazakhstan, together with the Director, the Scientific Research Institute was represented by the following researchers: Dr. Kulyash Ilyasova, Dr. Erlan Osipov, Dr. Asel Duisenova, and Meruyert Akimbekova.


The parties agreed to implement joint projects in the future, which envisage sharing of Georgian experience in the field of personal data protection.


The delegation of Kazakhstan is visiting Tbilisi for several days the scope of which they visit various public institutions.