The Head of Personal Data Protection Service, Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili, and the First Deputy Head of the Service, Dr. Otar Chakhunashvili continued their meetings, in Samegrelo region, after AdJara, during the cycle of regional visit

2022-07-22 11:26:30
The Head of Personal Data Protection Service, Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili, and the First Deputy Head of the Service, Dr. Otar Chakhunashvili continued their meetings, in Samegrelo region, after AdJara, during the cycle of regional visit.

The meeting with the representatives of the public sector was held in Zugdidi, in the administration of the State Representative of Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti. The meeting was attended by Giorgi Guguchia, State Representative of Samegrelo Zemo Svaneti, members of Abasha, Senaki, Khobi, Poti, Zugdidi, Chkhorotsku, Martvili and Tsalenjikha municipalities, mayors and employees of administrative departments. 

During the introductory meeting, DR. DR. Lela Janashvili spoke about the main directions and functions of the Personal Data Protection Service. It should be noted, that the meetings were attended by those representatives of the public sector, who have to process a large volumes of personal data.

The Head of the Public Sector Oversight Department of the Service, Ketevan Kratsashvili, and the Deputy Head of the Department, Sophio Shamugia spoke about the challenges in respect of personal data protection in municipalities and discussed practical cases. The meeting was held in interactive mode.