Information about the Personal Data Protection Service was published in the newsletter of the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA).

2022-06-07 05:21:34

Information about the Personal Data Protection Service was published in the newsletter of the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA).

The Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia has become the co-chair of one of the working groups of the Assembly on Data Protection Metrics. Working Group was established in 2016, after the adoption of the Resolution on Developing New Metrics of Data Protection. The Executive Committee of the Assembly delegated to New Zealand the task of convening and leading a working group. The working group aims to develop internationally comparable metrics concerning data protection and privacy, conduct relevant research, carry out projects, and facilitate the fulfillment of the Assembly's strategic objectives.

The Globa Privacy Assembly is a leading international forum in the field of data protection and privacy. It brings together more than 130 member bodies from all over the world.

Since October 16, 2015, the Georgian data protection authority is an accredited member of the Assembly and is represented in a number of its working groups.