For Public Awareness-Raising, the Personal Data Protection Service Continues Series of Informative Lectures for Interested Parties

2022-05-12 15:12:06

For public awareness-raising, the Personal Data Protection Service continues a series of informative lectures for interested parties. The Head of the Personal Data Protection Service, Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili together with the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Dr. Tamar Zarandia, opened an informative-public lecture with a welcoming speech at Tbilisi State University.  


The information lecture, held on May 5, 2022, focused on covert investigative actions, the mandate of the Personal Data Protection Service, and the leverage provided by the law to exercise control over both covert and other investigative activities. The public lecture was held by the Acting Head of Law Enforcement Sector Oversight Department, Joni Choniadze. The lecture also focused on the challenges of controlling covert investigative activities. Moreover, the specificities and conditions of conducting various investigative actions under the Criminal Procedure Code were discussed.


The lecture was attended by around 50 people. The meeting was held in an interactive mode. Representatives of the Service will hold informative, public lectures monthly on various topical issues at Tbilisi State University.