Statement of the Personal Data Protection Service

2022-05-02 18:13:19

Given the wider public interest, we would like to inform you that on 27 April, the Ministry of Internal Affairs launched an investigation into the short text messages (containing their personal data) sent to citizens in the name of “Datacomm.”

It is the outcome of an investigation that should establish, including the circumstances how the personal data of the individuals indicated in the messages was obtained, also, what damage might have been caused to citizens opening the link indicated in the message.

The Personal Data Protection Service calls on individuals once again to refrain from opening unreliable links indicated in the messages received from “Datacomm” as the link might contain a virus, malware or spyware programs which might cause unlawful access to personal data stored in your electronic devices.

For individuals who already have opened the links indicated in the messages, it is recommended to change the passwords of financial applications and private communication channels (e-mail, Messenger, etc.) on their devices.