Statement of the Personal Data Protection Service

2022-04-27 18:11:45

On 27 April 2022, the Personal Data Protection Service was notified by a number of individuals both through telephone consultations as well as via electronic mail and social media indicating on similar circumstances. Namely, they received short text messages from “Datacomm” including their name, surname, personal identification number, electronic mail address and a link.

The Personal Data Protection Service calls on every individual to refrain from opening unreliable links indicated in the messages received from “Datacomm” as the link might contain a virus, spyware or malware programs which might cause unlawful access to personal data stored in your electronic devices. It is important to protect cyber hygiene rules and refrain from opening the links received from unreliable and unidentified messages (SMS, Email, Messenger…).

Since the mentioned fact might contain signs of criminal activity, notifications received by the Personal Data Protection Service on 27 April 2022, along with attached photo material were provided to the relevant investigative body by the Personal Data Protection Service.