Nino Chkhaidze, the Senior Lawyer of the Legal Department of the Personal Data Protection Service, attended an event organized by the UN Women

2022-05-25 17:37:30
Nino Chkhaidthe, the Senior Lawyer of the Legal Department of the Personal Data Protection Service, attended the event organized by the UN Women. The event was held to enhance the knowledge and skills of public service representatives on sexual harassment inquiry issues by using a victim-centered approach.

The Personal Data Protection Service seeks to create a non-discriminatory work environment. Sexual harassment in the workplace, which is one of the forms of discrimination, is a violation of human rights and is prohibited by Georgian legislation. 

The Head of the Service Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili, endorsed the "Mechanism for the Prevention and Response to Sexual Harassment in the Personal Data Protection Service" by the order of May 17, 2022. Personal Data Protection Service is actively involved in various activities for effective implementation of the mentioned mechanism.

The event was attended by 18 public officials from several public agencies. During the event, the participants advanced their knowledge of the effective functioning of sexual harassment mechanisms and the inquiry procedure for the cases of sexual harassment, including global experience and best practices.

The event was organized in Tsinandali on 23-24 May by the UN Women in cooperation with the Georgian Government Administration as part of the Good Governance for Gender Equality in Georgia (GG4GEG) project supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.