The Head of the Personal Data Protection Service, Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili Delivered a Speech at the Panel Session of the 30th Spring Conference of European Data Protection Authorities

2022-05-20 16:05:24
The Head of the Personal Data Protection Service, Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili delivered a speech at the panel session of the 30th Spring Conference of European Data Protection Authorities. The speech focused on changes made to empower the Data Protection Supervisory Authority of Georgia, the Georgian data protection regulatory framework and enforcement mechanism, the draft law, deepening international relations and future plans.

“Harmonization of Georgian personal data protection law with best practice and international standards is a priority of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia. The Service aims to enhance international relations, as well as to participate in international working groups and committees” – stated Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili.  

In her speech, the Head of the Personal Data Protection Service underlined the importance of close cooperation between colleague supervisory authorities, sharing best practices and activities to be implemented in this regard. Dr. Dr. Lela Janashvili informed the participants of the Conference that the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia is a host of the 2022 European Case Handling Workshop and invited the representatives of the colleague supervisory authorities.

In the subsequent panel discussion segment, the speakers discussed issues related to effective enforcement of personal data protection legislation, mutual assistance between EU member and non-member states, examination of transborder cases and sharing of best practices. Among them, the diversity of competencies of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia was positively noted. The 30th Spring Conference of European Data Protection Supervisory Authorities was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The event was attended by 115 representatives from 40 countries.