Acting Head of the Law Enforcement Department Attended a Discussion on Cybercrime Strategy and Policy

2022-04-20 11:41:06
Acting Head of the Law Enforcement Department of Personal Data Protection Service, Joni Choniadze attended a discussion on cybercrime strategy and policy. The event was organized under the joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe “CyberEast” for Eastern Partnership countries on 18-19 April in Tbilisi.

At the meeting, the outcomes of a study (Cyber Barometer) carried out in the frame of the Project were discussed along with the Second Additional Protocol to the Cybercrime (Budapest) Convention adopted in 2021 which will be opened for signature in May 2022. The Protocol of the Convention is related to transborder data flow in the course of investigation thus involvement of the Personal Data Protection Service in discussion of the issue is of particular importance.  

The event was attended by the representatives of the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Office of the Prosecutor General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Communications Commission, Operative-Technical Agency, Digital Governance Agency and other stakeholders.