Meeting with the Representatives of the Embassy of Great Britain

2022-04-01 17:53:39


The First Deputy Head of Personal Data Protection Service, Dr. Otar Chakhunashvili, and other members of the Service, met the representatives of the Embassy of Great Britain.

At the meeting, the information about the competencies of the Personal Data Protection Service, including specificities related to the examination of lawfulness of data processing.  

Particular attention was paid to the mandate of the Personal Data Protection Service and activities envisaged by the action plan within the framework of the National Cybersecurity Strategy.

The parties discussed the necessity of exchanging information between the relevant agencies in case of cyber and information security incidents.

The representatives of the Embassy of Great Britain presented the Torchlight Program to the Personal Data Protection Service, which provides support for the implementation of the action plan of the Strategy, including the establishment of an effective platform for exchanging information in cases of incidents and activities to raise public awareness.

The parties expressed readiness for further cooperation.