A Training on Personal Data Protection Issues Was Held for the Staff of the Consulate Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2021-09-25 16:07:11
The State Inspector’s Service conducted a training on personal data protection issues for the staff of the Consulate Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meeting was conducted in the framework of the GIZ Programme “Migration and Diaspora” and pilot training on human rights issues prepared by the Consortium (GOPA, ICMPD, PMCG).

The training aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the staff (both working at local level and in different countries of the world) of the Consulate Department on human rights issues. This, in the future, will ensure an increase of effective protection of the right to privacy and personal data protection along with other rights of the citizens of Georgia living abroad. 

In the course of the meeting, issues such as importance of personal data protection, relevant legislation and the mandate of the State Inspector’s Service and practice were discussed. The training session was led by the Deputy Head of the Public Sector Oversight Department, Sophio Shamugia. Close coordination with public institutions, as well as sharing information and experience is one of the priorities of the State Inspector’s Service. Improving qualification of civil servants will actively continue in the future.