The Summer School on Personal Data Protection Was Held

2021-08-11 18:11:18
At the initiative of the State Inspector’s Service and the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), the summer school on personal data protection was held for students. The summer school was aimed to raise students’ awareness on personal data protection issues, encourage young peoples’ role in this field and promote their development. The project was implemented with the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Georgia and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

Within the framework of the summer school, the participants were introduced to topical issues on personal data protection in the context of the national legislation and international standards. The students got engaged in the discussions on current challenges and examination of case studies. This format enabled the participants to gain not only theoretical knowledge but also to directly discuss and resolve specific cases relevant to the Service’s practice. 

The training covered important issues such as the right to privacy, mandate of the Service, legal grounds and principles of data processing; data security and rights of data subject, protection of personal data in the course of video surveillance, direct marketing and labor relations; challenges related to protection of personal data and other topical issues.

The selection contest for the summer school was announced on 10 June 2021 and nearly 200 third- and fourth-year students as well as master’s students of authorized universities in Georgia participated in it. As a result of the selection of applications and interviews, 20 students were selected from different universities. The participants of the summer school were represented from Tbilisi, as well as from regions.

The summer school was opened by the State Inspector and the Executive Director of the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI). The Ambassador of the Netherlands in Georgia, Maaike van Koldam also addressed the audience via video link.

In the framework of the summer school, different training sessions were led by the representatives of the Service – Salome Kurasbediani and Lily Taniashvili, the representative of the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) – Keti Kukava and the Professor at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University – Paata Turava. In addition, Donari Londaridze, Luka Khaladze and ketevan Kochiasjvili, Personal Data Protection Ambassadors of the Service were actively engaged.

Upon successful completion of the training process, the participants were awarded with certificates. The students participating in the school also discussed the ways to integrate acquired knowledge into practice and their active involvement in the process of raising public awareness.

It should be noted that the summer school was held on August 2-7 this year. During the training, the safety rules provided by the COVID-19 regulations were maximally observed.

The State Inspector’s Service will actively continue raising awareness of young professionals and promote their development.