Deputy State Inspector Met with the Director of the High School of Justice

2021-06-19 18:54:02
Sophio Jiadze, Deputy State Inspector met with the Director of the High School of Justice, Vano Bolkvadze. Other representatives of the Service also attended the meeting.

The purpose of the meeting was to deepen cooperation in areas of mutual interest, coordinate activities to solve identified problems in practice and implement joint events. 

The parties discussed opportunities to strengthen cooperation in the directions of personal data protection and fight against torture and ill treatment, among them, through implementation of training programs, organization of workshops on existing challenges and current issues, joint analytical activities and the preparation of guidelines for judges and other court officials, as well as for joint groups.

At the meeting, the parties underlined the importance of the topics related to human rights field. Full readiness was expressed by the State Inspector’s Service and the High school of Justice towards starting elaboration, strengthening and implementing joint training programs, aw well as implementing working meetings to share opinions on current topical issues related to the practice.

An effective cooperation of the State Inspector’s Service and the High School of Justice will significantly promote raising human rights protection standard in the important fields such as privacy, personal data protection, prevention of instances of torture and ill treatment.