Deputy State Inspector Delivered a Speech at the International Forum on Personal Data Protection Issues

2021-05-20 18:07:50
Deputy State Inspector, Salome Bakhsoliani participated in the International Forum on Privacy and Data Protection (IFPDP) and delivered a speech.

Right to privacy is a fundamental human right where protection of personal data is of great importance. The main topics discussed at the Forum were data processing in the modern world especially in terms of technological developments, current challenges in this regard, existing regulations, trends and promotion of cooperation between countries.  

During her speech, Salome Bakhsoliani assessed the state of protection of personal data in Georgia and discussed existing legislative regulations, steps taken towards personal data protection in Georgia by the Service, as well as possibilities and challenges in this area.

Up to 24 supervisory authorities from different countries participated in the Forum on privacy and personal data protection issues, as well as data protection professionals from Europe, Americas, Asia and African continents.

The issues addressed within the frame of the Forum agenda included possibilities and challenges in global society in terms of data protection, review of current situation and international perspectives, international data transfers, relevant international standards, interaction between transparency and data protection and other topical issues.

The purpose of the Forum was creating discussion space at the international level that would enable personal data protection supervisory authorities, data protection professionals and experts and other interested persons to exchange opinions and have professional debate.

Worthy representation of Georgia in international formats and establishment of a high-standard authority is one of the main goals of the State Inspector’s Service. The Service will actively continue collaboration with its counterparts from other countries, international organizations and formats to overcome common challenges and ensure effective cooperation.