The State Inspector’s Service Conducted a Training on Personal Data Protection Issues for the Staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

2021-03-25 16:36:03
The State Inspector’s Service conducted a training on personal data protection issues for the staff of The Department of Human Rights Protection and Investigation Quality Monitoring and Main Division of Juvenile Division under the Tbilisi Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The training course which was conducted at the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is aimed at drawing attention of persons responsible for the monitoring of the investigative process on personal data protection topics and increasing quality of protection of juveniles’ data in investigative process by the investigators specialized in juvenile cases. The employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have access to large amounts of data in the process of carrying out preventive and investigative activities, conducting operative and investigative activities.


Having in mind large amounts and intensity of data, improper protection of data by the law enforcement body creates high risks for violation of human rights and directly affects public trust towards the body. Especially in cases where protection of data and confidentiality of provided information is essential for the victim when deciding whether or not to report to the law enforcement body. 

That is why persons responsible for the quality of the investigation and monitoring of human rights protection must have comprehensive knowledge of personal data protection issues to ensure protection of privacy and personal data protection of the participants of the proceedings by the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the process of investigation. Improving effective response mechanism in each case of illegal data processing is also important.

Additionally, special attention should be paid to protecting the confidentiality of audio-video recordings and information provided by juveniles in the process of interviewing and carrying out investigative actions with their participation, since these issues are an important part of the investigation process, taking into account best interests of the minor.

Training topics were tailored to specific characteristics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and covered both the legislative framework and practical examples based on decisions issued by the State Inspector’s Service and recommendations drawn up by the Service. The attendees were provided with the manual of the State Inspector’s decisions covering 22 real-life cases. The training was led by the representatives of the State Inspector’s Service – Joni Choniadze, Tamar Chkholaria and Nino Kurasbediani. The course, which was implemented for 2 groups, was attended by 50 employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Establishing a high standard of personal data protection in law enforcement bodies is one of the priorities of the State Inspector’s Service. The service will actively continue training and raising the qualification of relevant target groups in the future.