Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response Mechanism Was Introduced at the State Inspector’s Service

2021-03-17 16:37:41
The State Inspector’s Service constantly strives to develop high corporate culture and establish work environment free from all forms of discrimination for its staff members. To develop healthy work environment free from discrimination, mechanism for sexual harassment prevention and response was introduced at the State Inspector’s Service.

The mechanism that aims to prevent sexual harassment, effective response against possible sexual harassment cases and support of sexual harassment victims, was developed in cooperation with UN Women and coordination with the Human Rights Secretariat of the Administration of the Government of Georgia.

Within the framework of the mechanism, specific individuals were identified with high sensitivity and relevant knowledge, who will be responsible for raising awareness of the staff, consulting and supporting staff members against possible cases of sexual harassment at the Service.

According to the order adopted by the State Inspector, a victim of sexual harassment can file a complaint with the State Inspector, who immediately instructs the General Inspectorate to inquire the case. The latter, with a high degree of sensitivity and full protection of confidentiality, must consider a complaint within one month. The circle of persons involved in disciplinary proceedings must be minimized.

A decision on the confirmation of the fact of the sexual harassment based on the conclusion of the General Inspectorate shall be made by the State Inspector. At the initiative of a possible victim of the sexual harassment or a harasser, the case can be transferred to the collegiate body – the Council of staff appraisal appeals, incentives and disciplinary matters.

For effective implementation of the mechanism, with the support of UN Women, all the members of the staff of the State Inspector’s Service will be trained.