The State Inspector’s Service Held a Meeting with the Representatives of International Organizations and Diplomatic Corps

2021-03-19 11:26:34
The State Inspector, Londa Toloraia held a meeting with the representatives of the international organizations and Diplomatic Corps. The meeting aimed at discussing the outcomes of the Service’s activities in 2020, existing challenges, priorities for 2021and further cooperation opportunities.

Londa Toloraia, the State Inspector opened the meeting. The participants of the meeting were introduced to the main achievements, implemented and ongoing reforms: “2020 was the first year when the Service had been functioning with all the three powers fully. Due to the obstacles caused by the pandemic, the Service managed to maintain a high standard in the field of personal data protection and simultaneously implemented investigative tasks. During the 2020 year, we have seen even better existing legislative, practical and coordination challenges in these fields. Though it is a natural process in the stage of organizational development, we want to go further rapidly. In the process of overcoming challenges and development, we need active support of international organizations.”

The State Inspector, Londa Toloraia highlighted the importance of the adoption of the draft law on personal data protection submitted to the parliament, legislative changes needed for effective investigating of crimes under the jurisdiction of the service, existing challenges in the process of collecting evidence and adoption of final decisions. 

The representatives of international organizations and Dip Corps were informed in detail about the 2021 priorities and needs of the State Inspector’s Service. Among them, special emphasis was added on strengthening institutional and organizational capacities of the service, quality of functioning of the Service, increasing effectiveness, raising public awareness and trust, also the importance of increasing international cooperation.

The representatives of international organizations and Dip Corps positively assessed the work conducted by the Service and promised to actively support it in further strengthening.

Donor Coordination Mechanism with the international organizations and Dip Corps was introduced for the first time this year and the working format will be held annually.