The State Inspector’s Service Started New Public Awareness Raising Campaign on the Importance of Data Protection in Public Service Halls

2020-10-30 14:43:27

From now on, at the initiative of the State Inspector’s Service, informational booklets on data protection topics will be displayed at the Public Service Halls in fourteen cities aimed at public awareness raising.
The Deputy State Inspector, Sophio Jiadze and Acting Executive director of Public Service Hall, Avtandil Kokhreidze presented the new initiative to the citizens and the staff of the Public Service Hall.
The informational booklets are designed for citizens who address Public Service Halls for children birth registration, for taking ID cards or passports.

Children’s personal data merits special protection, since misusing, spreading, sharing, uploading child’s data on social media can lead to irreparable damage to child’s mental health, his/her development, social relations and future life. Furthermore, data printed on ID cards and passport is important personal information and should be protected against dishonest use by third parties.
The booklets prepared by the State Inspector’s Service will provide the citizens with detailed information about the harm caused by improper protection of their data and the measures of protection against such risks.
Thematic booklets will be displayed in Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Zugdidi, Poti, Akhaltsikhe, Akhalkalaki, Borjomi, Rustavi, Bolnisi, Oni, Batumi, Telavi, Gori, and Ozurgeti Public Service Halls.
The initiative is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).