Londa Toloraia Held a Meeting with the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway

2020-10-28 19:54:49
The State Inspector, Londa Toloraia held a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Norway to Georgia, Helene Sand Andresen.

At the meeting the parties discussed implemented projects supported by the Kingdom of Norway, main challenges the Service faces and the possibilities of enhancing cooperation. The meeting was attended by the representatives of the State Inspector’s Service and the Royal Norwegian Embassy. 

The State Inspector, Londa Toloraia acquainted the Ambassador with the main achievements of the Service, as well as with the implemented and ongoing reforms. She also spoke in detail about the challenges that the Service faces in terms of practical activities and legislation. In particular, the discussion touched upon the draft law on personal data protection of Georgia submitted to the Parliament of Georgia, measures that need to be taken for the enactment and implementation of the draft law, factors hindering effective investigation and steps towards addressing the challenges, as well as the need for strengthening material technical and human resources of the Service.

During the meeting the parties also discussed the possibilities of enhancing cooperation between the colleague agencies of the two countries, including the initiative of an internship programme for the staff of the Service in the relevant Norwegian agencies.

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Norway to Georgia, Helene Sand Andresen positively assessed efforts of the Inspector’s Service and pledged to actively support the Service addressing issues covered at the meeting.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway is one of the main international partners of the State Inspector’s Service with the support of which the Service took important steps towards institutional strengthening and its capacity building. During of the meeting the parties agreed to continue active future cooperation.