The employees of the State Inspector’s Service underwent 7-months training course on personal data protection and privacy

2020-07-21 11:41:42


With the support of the Council of Europe, the employees of the State Inspector’s Service underwent 7-months training course on personal data protection and privacy through HELP distance learning platform. The successful graduates were awarded certificates by the State Inspector Londa Toloraia and the Deputy Head of the Council of Europe Office in Georgia Vahagn Muradyan.

The course was introduced in Georgia for the first time within the framework of cooperation between the State Inspector's Service and the Council of Europe and was aimed at raising qualification of Georgian practising lawyers on personal data protection issues.

The training program combines European standards and case law in the field of data protection. It also includes existing national legal standards and recommendations in the field of privacy and personal data protection. The course consists of 10 modules, including: basic rules and principles of data protection according to European legislation, the right to privacy, health data, data protection and media, electronic communications, data protection/privacy rights and new technologies, data protection at the workplace, international data exchange and other important topics.

The training started in December 2019. The program was implemented with the support of the Council of Europe project " Supporting Freedom of Media and Internet in Georgia ". The State Inspector’s Service, in cooperation with the Council of Europe, plans to continue distance learning in other public institutions and private organizations. The training process will help to improve the quality of personal data protection and the implementation of European standards in relevant fields.