The State Inspector’s Service hosted the representatives of international organizations and the diplomatic corps

2020-07-16 20:30:02
The State Inspector’s Service hosted the representatives of international organizations and the diplomatic corps. At the meeting the State Inspector Londa Toloraia presented to the guests the report on the activities of the Service carried out in 2019 and spoke about its achievements, challenges and the future plans.

The State Inspector expressed her gratitude to the representatives of international organizations for their support in strengthening and development of the Service:

’’ Your role in the creation of the State Inspector's Service is huge. You were the first to start talking about the importance and necessity of creating an independent investigative mechanism in Georgia. We completely realize the responsibilities imposed. We are aware that everyone has been watching and observing with great interest the establishment of the State Inspector’s Service as an independent, strong and effective body with a crucial role to play in the field of human rights. It can be said that with the diversity of functions our Service is unique in the world. On the one hand, we monitor the lawfulness of personal data processing, covert investigative actions and activities performed within the central databank of electronic communication identification data, and on the other hand, we investigate crimes committed by public officials. I would like to thank you for your efforts in institutional and organizational strengthening of the Service’’ - Noted Londa Toloraia in her speech.

Tamar Zubashvili, the Head of Department of International Relations, Analytics and Strategic Development of State Inspector’s Service, gave a presentation about the activities carried out by the Service last year and familiarized the guests about the work already done and the future plans. On their side, international organizations promised their full support to the State Inspector’s Service and expressed their readiness to cooperate in the reform process aimed at improving the effectiveness and strengthening of the Service.

The State Inspector will continue active cooperation with international organizations and periodically report about its activities and challenges.

The meeting was held with the support of Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.