The State Inspector Established the Council to Examine Complaints concerning Performance Appraisal Outcomes, Matters Related to Incentives and Disciplinary Misconduct

2020-05-19 18:52:32

In order to protect the principles of fairness, impartiality and transparency in labor relations, by the decision of the State Inspector the council was established to consider issues related to the appeals against the results of performance appraisal, incentives and disciplinary liability.

The council is a collegiate body independent from the State Inspector, which submits recommendations to the Inspector on matters of disciplinary misconduct and incentives. The Council will also make decisions on complaints related to performance appraisal outcomes.

The purpose of the collegiate format of the council is to ensure involvement of the employees in the  decision-making process.

The council is headed by the First Deputy State Inspector. It is equally composed of heads of departments both from investigative and personal data protection directions, as well as heads of General Inspectorate, Administration, Legal Department and Department of International Relations, Analytics and Strategic Development.

In order to achieve high degree of objectivity and independence, the Head of General inspectorate shall not attend hearings related to disciplinary misconduct. He/she leaves the hearing following submitting a conclusion. At the same time a person whose disciplinary liability is under discussion, has the opportunity to voice his/her position before the council.

A member of the council subject to the decision regarding incentives or a direct participant of the evaluation process will not be present when considering issues related to incentives or complaints against performance appraisal decision.

The council will be authorized to review and request any necessary information/documentation, to interview the employee and his/her supervisor, put questions and receive answers to the questions on the matters under discussion.