The State Inspector’s Service Hosted the Students of Johns Hopkins University

2019-01-24 16:18:52
The Students MA in International Law and Organisations at the School of International Studies, Johns Hopkins University visited the State Inspector’s Service.

The representatives of the State Inspector’s Service hosted the delegation and provided information regarding the activities of the institution to the students. The students were particularly interested in the mandate of the Service, its investigative function that has recently entered into force and the future plans of the institution. The meeting was held in discussion format, where the guests raised questions of their interest and expressed their opinions.

Within the frames of the visit, the delegation held meetings with various public institutions and non-governmental organisations, as their research focus includes implementation of international human rights norms in the country’s legal system. Johns Hopkins University was established in 1876 being the first research university in the United States.

Human rights protection is the utmost priority of the State Inspector’s Service and it expresses its readiness to cooperate with the universities in this field on local and international levels.