The Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia marks the international Data Protection Day by delivering new communication services

2019-01-30 12:00:21

On the international Data Protection Day, 28 January, the Personal Data Protection Inspector (PDPI) of Georgia presented an upgraded package of information resources that promote better and easier protection of the personal data and privacy. The public website, Case Management programme and an informational video were developed with the assistance of the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The event was opened by Tamar Kaldani, Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia; Louisa Vinton, UNDP Head in Georgia; and Catalin Gherman, Deputy Head of Cooperation Section at the Delegation of the European Union to Georgia.

The case management programme is an online platform which provides a simple and effective communication tool for the citizens, organizations and the Personal Data Protection Inspector’s Office. Through this platform, individuals or

organizations can receive consultations, send messages and applications, and monitor the status of their requests at any stage.


The new PDPI website is a modern, interactive and user-friendly digital space that provides the comprehensive information about data protection in Georgia, the rights of individuals and the obligations of the state and organisations. The website is adapted for persons with visual impairments.

The information video highlights some major aspects of data and privacy protection in the modern world of technologies. It will be aired by all major televisions in Georgia in the coming weeks.

The international Data Protection Day was established by the Council of Europe in 2006. On this day, governments, parliaments, national data protection bodies and other actors carry out activities to raise awareness about the rights to personal data protection and privacy. Georgia has joined the international Data Protection Day for the sixth time this year.

The EU and UNDP are supporting the institutional mechanisms of the personal data protection in Georgia as part of their wider programme Human Rights for All.