Personal Data Protection in Labour Relations-The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector and private sector conducted a seminar

2017-05-04 11:36:40

Protection of employees’ personal data- practice and challenges - Deloitte and the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector conducted a seminar for the representatives of private sector. Within the scope of the seminar, the participants discussed the legal obligations, challenges and risks related to personal data processing in terms of labour relations.

“Processing of personal data of potential employees by the employer starts during the recruitment process prior to the employment, proceeds during the contractual period and may continue after the termination of labour relations. Therefore, personal data protection should be considered as a day-to-day practice of labour relations”- as considered by the representatives of Deloitte.

The practice of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector confirms the prominence of the topic. Several inspections carried out in private companies revealed the cases of storage of employees’ personal data for indefinite period of time. Citizens also addressed the Inspector regarding the monitoring of correspondence at work places, there were detected several breaches of the rules of video surveillance as well.

“In various cases the employers have legitimate grounds to process certain volume of information in order to ensure the effective control of the quality of services, however, organisations’ interests should not be protected through the disproportionate breach of employees’ rights”- reads the 2016 Annual Report of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector.

The seminar was attended by the representatives of telecommunication companies, insurance and banking sectors and various sectors of business.