The Legal Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia discussed the 2016 Report of the Personal Data Protection Inspector

2017-04-03 11:31:49

Revealed violations, increased number of citizens’ complaints and strengthened capacity of the Inspector’s Office-The Personal Data Protection Inspector submitted the 2016 Annual Report on the State of the Personal Data Protection in Georgia to the Legal Issues Committee of the Parliament of Georgia. Tamar Kaldani reviewed the statistics and the major tendencies related to personal data protection in the country throughout the reporting period.

According to the Inspector, as a result of the complaints and conducted inspections the Inspector’s office examined the state of personal data processing in 86 public organisations, while 245 inspections were carried out in private organisations. In terms of the public sector, majority of the inspections were conducted in the Prosecutor’s Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As for the private sector, high number of inspections was related to the online loan and debt collection companies.

During the reporting period, the number of the consultations delivered to citizens, public and private organisations tripled amounting 3,840 inspections in total. The number of citizens’ complaints and conducted inspections doubled. Conducted inspections revealed 221 cases of violations in various organisations, fines were imposed on 53 organisations, while 53 organisations were warned. Overall, 220 recommendations were released in order to ensure the sufficient level of personal data protection.

Among the topics discussed in the report, the MPs paid particular attention to the issues of the oversight over the covert investigative activities and personal data processing online. Questions were raised regarding the disclosure of the personal data by online loan companies. With regards to the disclosure of the personal data by online loan and debt collection companies Tamar Kaldani emphasized the importance of regulations.

“Citizens may have liabilities to the banks though they have the expectations that their personal data is not disclosed to their family members, employers or the neighbours. The banking and micro finance sector is regulated by the law and is subject to relevant oversight.Unfortunately, the online loan companies are not subject to legal regulations in terms of processing the personal data.. Consequently, in the context of larger regulations, the issue of the personal data processing by online loan companies should also be regulated, though regulation solely of personal data processing cannot alter the whole picture” -stated the Inspector.

The Report of the Personal Data Protection Inspector examines the tendencies of personal data protection, activities of the Inspector’s Office, existing challenges, revealed violations and measures undertaken to prevent the breaches of law. The Inspector submits the Report annually to the Executive and Legislative branches of the Government. This is the fourth Annual Report submitted by the Personal Data Protection Inspector.